Hudsonville High School

Hudsonville High School

Typically known for its ice cream, the community of Hudsonville, MI is now also home to one of the largest indoor high school facilities in the state. In fact, the fieldhouse received the “Facility of the Year” award from the American Sports Builders Association (ASBA) for its design. Click to read the article!

The Hudsonville Athletic Facility sports 3,642 EXCEL Seat Modules on its main floor and balcony. The main floor features Quarter-Turn Aisle Rails for safety. The pie sections include removeable end rails for full encapsulation around the edges of the areas. Vinyl End Curtains finish the look while also ensuring nothing gets underneath the structure.

The balcony bleacher stack is free-standing, able to forward/reverse fold to accommodate the track in front of it as well as the court behind it. Self-Storing Aisle Rails help make this system easy to operate for use.



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